Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Toddler Activities: We planted Chia Herb garden and put up a shelf

Earlier the boys "helped" me put up a shelf in the kitchen. I wanted to have a place to grow fresh herbs. I thought this would be a good activity to include the boys. Lauren had got me a Chia Gourmet Herb Garden for Christmas that I had dying to use. I wanted to use the Chia herb garden to introduce them to gardening. I know it's not real gardening but since we live in a apartment I thought this could be a good start. I put the shelf using two Ikea shelf brackets and a leftover laminate flooring plank. As I mentioned earlier I used the Chia herb garden kit. I also reused two plant pots from an earlier craft since the kit came with a variety of six herbs and only included three pots. The herbs in the kit are (1)cilantro, (1)parsley, (1)sweet basil, (1)chives, (1)sweet marjoram and (2)dill. We planted five out of six of the herbs(we ran out of plant pots). It was a fun and not too messy activity.

*If your going to try to put up a shelf; please do not let your kids use your (power)tools!